In 1859, a drinking fountain paid by subscription from the workers at a local cotton mill in Reddish was presented to Vernon Park. It features an elaborate cast-iron statue called ‘The Slave’. It represents a Blackamoor, a popular art form of North African figures in the 18th and 19th century which celebrates Britain’s empire and the wealth generated by the slave trade. The statue is of a young black child half-dressed in flowing robes carrying a heavy item.
This statue (in its current form) was recreated in 2000 with funding from a Heritage Lottery Fund!

S-REP would like to thank Stockport Council for bringing to our attention the removal of the Blackamoor drinking fountain in Vernon Park. Councillor Amanda Peers was keen to hear the opinion of ethnically diverse Stopfordians in regards to the statue's removal. Following a lengthy open forum discussion with our members (where we discussed all aspects of the statue), the overall consensus was that this drinking fountain should be removed. We all agreed it does not reflect society today and that the Blackamoor art form is outdated and racially offensive and that this is not representative of Stockport.
Please emails us if you have an opinion on this statue removal and we will pass your comments on the the council.
WINDRUSH EVENT (Sector 3, E&ICO and S-REP Collaboration)

We all had such an amazing evening as Yvonne Shelton took us on a vivid journey of Windrush. The shock and trauma of invited people who were sold a lie. Adapting to a new culture and showing resilience in an often hostile new land whilst making a huge contribution to Britain over the past 73 years. Yvonne spoke about the culture, the music and the food, we were all drawn in and celebrated.
Thank you to Sector 3 for involving us in their equity network as a collaborative partner. Having a strong partnership means faster equality for Stockport’s amazing and diverse residents.

We all know that ethnically diverse communities were (and still are) being adversely affected by COVID-19 and coupled with the fact that Stockport has always had a higher rate of infection than the national average. This combination had been devastating too many ethnically diverse Stopfordians. The report below gives an insight into some of the underline issues highlighted. Please read the report and help us support the people who are really suffering.
S-REP is working with Public Health and the Local Authority to share correct COVID-19 information to our ethnically diverse communities, to make informed choices when deciding to take the vaccine. To this aim, we are promoting and advocating for ‘Stockport’s Community Champions’ to come forward to support us with correct information sharing.

After more than, a year of far-reaching devastating disproportionate effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our diverse community and the unprovoked killing of George Floyd, our pledge is to elevate and develop a ‘cultural mindset’ that embrace a transitional pathway and create opportunities in education, employment and economic growth.
This year’s Black History Month’s theme is ‘PROUD TO BE’. We all know that Black History Month will soon be upon us and we need local organisations to participate and get involved with our planning. Come and take the pledge and email S-REP ( if your organisation would like to take part in making a difference.
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Ebony & Ivory Community Organisation

Stockport’s First African & Caribbean Cultural Food Bank
When you talk about health there is an adverse impact from what you eat particularly when you’re financially strained. There is a massive correlation between the cultural palette and wellbeing. The majority of our community spend their money in Manchester more than in Stockport because most of our ‘cultural food’ is sold in Manchester. So people have to go and do their shopping in Manchester, just to enable them to eat well, feel good about themselves and have wellbeing.
The big problem was COVID-19 came, jobs were lost and finances were strained. At E&ICO we recognise that poverty is not just about food, but about a ’holistic needs’ approach to all areas of a persons wellbeing. A lot of ethnic diverse communities struggle with poverty in Stockport. This means food becomes a massive issue within the household, this is because food gives stability and happiness.
Since E&ICO set up its African & Caribbean Cultural Food Bank in May 2020, we have had a significant positive impact on people who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the last year over 3.500 food parcels were given out. We are grateful to Forever Manchester and CAHN who gave us a little support with ‘culturally appropriate’ food. We got a massive helping hand from Rafiki foods and their contact with Fair Share. Disability Stockport was gracious as ever to give us the space and support the work. Keep Stockport Caring also funded us and ask us to think carefully about how we give food but support families to make the transition back to independence.
If you are struggling, please do not be a shamed email us today, send a referrals to E&ICO Cultural Food Bank. We are here to help you.
The call for a desperate need to set up a cultural food bank to support local families needs your ongoing support. E&ICO is looking for volunteers, food donations and clothing donations as there are families in Stockport right now without no recourse to public funds who are in desperate need.

That this House welcomes the contributions of Indians to British society; condemns the racism they face on a daily basis; calls on key institutions to urgently address this type of prejudice; recognises the 1.3 million Indians who fought for Britain during WWI and have contributed greatly to all levels of society over the past century; pays tribute to the thousands of British Indians who work in the NHS and have served the nation tirelessly throughout the COVI-19 outbreak; acknowledges research by ‘The 1928 Institute’ which revealed that 80 per cent of British Indians have faced prejudice because of their Indian identity, with ‘Hinduphobia’ the most prevalent; abhors the use of dog-whistle language including the widespread use of phrases, such as Indian variant, which proliferates anti-Indian racism on social media and in wider society; and calls on the Government to take steps to urgently address this worrying rise.
FREEDOM DAY (it’s true meaning)

Yes, we are all looking forward to the ‘new’ so-called ‘Freedom Day’ when COVID-19 restrictions are finally lifted. But what is the true meaning of freedom day? Freedom day is a day of respect and commemoration, which is celebrated on the 27th of April each year. It honours the anniversary of South Africa’s first non-racial election of 1994 and pays homage to the country’s liberation from Apartheid rule, where the minority exercised prejudice political power over the majority of the country.

Belonging to the place you live is as important as culture and heritage. In a seminal, identity-defining film, film-maker Stewart Kyasimire gathers together prominent Black Scots from all generations to ask: What does it mean to be black and Scottish?